Current Exchange
Business: July 19th- NEW BANK OPENED, TO REPLACE OLD ONE The President has officially closed the Amerada Central Bank, and has moved all ‘legal’ accounts to a new one, known as the Amerada Second National Bank. New Columbian Governier, Mattias Dyble has volunteered to be the Bank Director. As for the Yuri Andropov embezzlement situation, it appears it has been all but forgotten. As for the 4.5 billion dollars planned to be received for the WBS-BTN merger, the deal has not yet been completed. July 8th- Compotto resigns as ACB head, Andropov appointed by President to take over. WASHIAWA-(WBS) Arenji Compotto has resigned from his position as Head of the largest Bank in Amerada, the Amerada Central Bank. He said he had to resign for personal problems. Crushed, with the ordeal of having to replace him, the President was delighted to appoint former Chief of Security, Yuri Andropov to the position. Yuri, seems to be a worthy candidate, thus far as he has quickly gotten to work on important tasks.
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